Winter Outfit

začal nový rok , síce už dávnejšie :D
no toto je prvý príspevok v novom roku na tomto blogu ,ktorý som začal písať aktívne od septembra min.roku :) Chcel by som sa poďakovať za všetky pozitívne ohlasy od vás všetkých či už na instagrame,fb alebo tu strašne moc si to vážim . Zanedlho tu máme už 20 K pozretí ! je to fakt niečo a to ma núti k tomu aby som sa tomu viac a viac venoval :)

Nuž pripravil som si pre vás dve outfity k týmto Nike topánkam ,ktoré moc rád nosím

Hi, a new year started - a while ago - and this is my first post on this blog, which I started to write for actively last September. I would like to thank you all for your support, whether on Instagram, Facebook, or right here. I really appreciate it. We are close to 20k views, which is amazing and makes me want to keep writing more and more.

So I prepared two outfits with these Nike shoes, which I love to wear.

Osobne nerád nosím topánky na zimu vôbec sa mi to nepáči :/
Som skôr zástanca topanok na leto/jar a tak veď chápete :)

Na našej škole od včera začali chrípkové prááázdniny z ktorých sa teší určite celá škola 
aspoň niečo pozitívne je na nej :D mal som na dnes toľko učenia ... no a v stredu sa dozvieme ,že su tie chrípkove , zahreje to pri srdiečku :))
Takže keďže mam teraz veľa voľného času môžem sa venovať tomu čo ma baví a tak som išiel ku kamaratke nech niečo nafotíme :)
Počasie vyšlo skvele :)

Personally I don't like wearing winter shoes. I prefer spring/summer footwear, you know.

Our school let out due to a flu breakout yesterday, which made every student very happy. At least that is positive about it. I had plenty to learn for today and on Wednesday we find out there will be break. Warms my heart. This means I have lot of free time and can dedicate my time to things I like. So I met with my friend for a photoshoot.

Okuliare/Sunglasses - Humanic

Plášť/Shell - Esprit

Mikina/Sweatshirt - Abercrombie & Fitch

Tričko/T-shirt - H&M

Nohavice/Trousers - Topman

Topánky/Shoes - Nike

V tomto druhom fite sa toho veľa nezmenilo , basic outfit na zimu :)

Nohavice/Trousers - H&M

Okuliare/Sunglasses - Humanic

Topanky/Shoes - Nike

Tričko/T-shirt - Hollister

Bunda/Jacket - H&M

Sveter/Sweather - H&M

nezabudnite ma sledovat na sociálnych sieťach kde budeme informujem o dalších príspevkoch , alebo ma môžete odoberať tu na blogu kto máte google účet, stačí kliknuť na tlačitko pripojiť sa k lokalite  :)

follow me on my social sites 

instagram- adrianback1
facebook- Adrian Back


  1. your english is soo bad

  2. Yeah, your english is bad you must go study english.. but i want replied to your note.. this red boots don'outfit to your black outfit.. you must to to black boots or anotheanotherlor this is bad sorry.. and than your outfit will be great ... today is very bad.. i write bad because your english is bad and today you see it..

    1. So idk where are u from , but with this post helped me my good friend who's study on University in Prague so :) and i more like american english than britain:) but we are people and everybody make mistake sometimes . Have a nice day too :))

    2. I'm from Finland, near Helsinki..

    3. I am so sorry but DO NOT try to write in English eyes almost got burnt.. Your friend WHO studies* not who's study in Prague must be an awful student.. And it is apparent YOU have no clue about difference between American and British English... And Everybody *MAKES mistakes dear friend..IF I were u, I'd better study English and not write these bullshits here..Have a nice Day U F*cking queer

  3. Pači sa mi to:) podla mna sa tá červena k tomu super hodí :)

  4. Neviem čo za inteligenti ti tu píšu aku zlu angličtinu máš, myslim ,že použivaš dosť hovorovú americkú angličtinu takže nevidim nejaké chyby :) ale samozrejme nejde tu teraz o nejaké chyby , každy vidi to čo chce outfit sa mi moc páči ! pridavaj dalšie :)

  5. Hiiii
    it's actually pretty cool you are from Slovakia, because i come there lots!
    im probably going there again in a few ;)


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